How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Friday, November 16, 2007

...all your love

The soup kitchen in central Bronx wrote this back to us when Lee the Photographer sent them pictures.

Oh my GOD thank you for all your help and all your LOVE!!!! Thank you for the hot dog and helping us out. I will email the pictures to Daune and Oliver so they can have them. You guys were the best and I hope we get to work with you in the future.

This makes me smile, makes me happy and I am positive that we made a difference for a lot of people that day. On the phone the day before, the response to our visit was: "Wauv, no one has ever done that for us."

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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