How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Barcelona es muy bonita

And it’s even more beautiful with a Danish Hot dog stand and most beautiful with the World’s most travelled hot dog stand.

For three days Hottie stood as one big smile placed in the most gorgeous park in Barcelona with view to their edition of the arc of Triumph. About 1000 hot dogs was served to happy people from Spain with help from local hot dog agents.

Friday and Saturday people came by in the park by coincidence. Sunday the 8th of November we were a part of COP15 Cycling Tour arranged by the Danish Embassy with Narcis - Consul of Commerce – as the front runner. And only with his hard work, competencies and ability to speak Catalan he succeeded getting permission to place Hottie there.

More to come… Until then you can take a look at the pictures from Spain - click here

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hola España, un hot dog con todo, por favor.

Hottie and I, Fanny Hot Dog Girl are now in Spain to promote the Climate meeting in Copenhagen together with the Danish Embassy, while we inspire to make a positive change to others. In Madrid we support Morning Tears and our already built orphanage in China. Now we collect money for daily expenses.

Yesterday, Sunday the first of November we had the first COP15 Cycling event in Madrid with approx. 2000 visitors and national TV and news papers. In front of the beautiful King's palace Hottie stood proud and smiled at the people who found their way to a crispy hot dog after at least ½ hour in the line that cut through the Plaza Oriente with about 100 people and bicycles..yeahhh we were popular. We served approx. 300 hot dogs.

Thanks to Unibake, DSV , Centrum Turist, 2Shoes and Chaos Pilots to support this sudden opportunity.

Thanks to the Danish Embassay in Spain - especially consul of commerce Narcis Margall for having invited us and with their support made it possible - intern Maja Louise Byskov for her hard work with the practicalities, translation and for being a brilliant local Hot Dog Agent.

Next Stop Barcelona.

Voluntary Hot Dog Team España
Fanny Hot Dog Girl
Local Hot Dog Agent Maja Louise Byskov
Homebased Hot Dog Agent Claudio Amdisen

More pictures from Madrid and Fanny from Kontutto serving hot dogs con todo - Click Here

Thursday, June 18, 2009

10th stage, Connie Hedegaard and ”back wheel”

She is one of the 100 most powerful persons in the world right now - was bouncing in the head of me, Fanny Hot Dog Girl, when I headed to the 10th stage of ”COP15 Cycling Tour From Kyoto to Copenhagen” together with Soren Hot Dog Agent. That is exactly why she has to be introduced to Hottie and the philosophy: The direction, that doesn’t start in the heart, is a dead end” and with that mission my pedals were dancing – well another mission was to give the ambassador ”back wheel”, you know, beat him to the finish line.

Missing Hottie
A couple of hundred cyclists had come to join the Danish ambassador in Japan, the Japanese ambassador in Denmark and climate minister Connie Hedegaard. The tour went through the heart of Copenhagen and ended in front of Christiansborg – the Danish parliament building - after 13 km. Hottie joined in our thoughts, since it’s on its way home from Japan with DSV. A lot of people missed it a whole lot.

Catch Connie Hedegaard catch catch
On the stairs in front of Christiansborg – the parliament building – the supporting statements from Japanese ministers, governors and mayors were handed over to Connie followed by a few speeches. Before Connie had the chance to step down from the stairs, I gave her my hand and presented the World’s most travelled hot dog stand. I gave her a Hottie badge (the two ambassadors wore one as well) and she wrote on our t-shirt from Japan. A few photos were taken and I gave her a Hot Dog card saying: ” Good luck with COP15 and remember .. the direction, that doesn’t begin in the heart, is a dead end”.

Mission accomplished!
Hottie and I now hope that Connie will follow the heart of our climate and that we are one step closer our ambition to serve a hot dog to Obama at the climate meeting in December. Connie knows Hottie and she gave us a lot of compliments for what we do for Danish culture and Morning Tears in China.

By the way, I gave the ambassador ”back wheel” this time.
YES, Double mission accomplished.

Fanny Hot Dog Girl

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Regal visit in Fukushima

Feeling like a true Hot Dog Queen I gave my best regal waves to the bemused and amused gathering. I was sitting in the carriage box on a Danish Christiana bicycle pedaled around by the Danish Ambassador Franz Michael. Fukushima is about 250 km. north of Tokyo and by comparison a small town, just one tenth of the size at 300 thousand inhabitants. It was late afternoon in Fukushima the 25th of May and though the event area was slowing down, with true style, dressed in red and white livery, Søren Hot Dog Agent continued heroically handing out hot dogs. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Fukushima and the Vice Governor took to the stage to talk about the importance of bicycle culture and the forthcoming UN Climate meeting.

Once the applause had died down, Hottie was on hand to show these dignitaries a bite of Denmark and some danish coziness alongside the Ambassador, while the flashes popped and the motors whirred on the press photographers cameras. No doubt this was the first time they’d tasted a Danish hot dog. The Mayor kindly wrote his hopes for the future in the book of dreams before they very politely, bowed and exited the event in elegant Japanese Style.

Hottie in the countryside
The following day Hottie and the team went to the countryside and were surrounded, 360 degrees, by green green mountains peppered with glittering snow at the very top. The beautiful scenery a perfect backdrop for Hottie to serve hot dogs to famished cyclists, including the superfit Ambassador!

A more genteel event but all in all a very cozy day with about 150 hot dogs served. Again the Japanese took it with a big smile and a bow, while they donated money for the orphanage. Hottie was loaded onto the truck. Hanging in the crane with air under the tires and with a secure hand it was fastened safely. The cameraman ,Michael Colville, always on hand to film the Japanese Style, again with everything under control.

For the first time we counted the donated money with a little help from the embassies friendly soul Kenneth Tollund, who speaks Japanese. A necessity in a country where most people don’t speak English and most signs are written in Japanese.

All in all we have now collected Yen 162.570 and Euros 15. That converts to about DKR 9.345. Our hope is DKR 13.000 and judging by the generosity of the Japanese people to date, we should reach that amount in Kyoto.

Tomorrow, Friday the 29th of May the Hot Dog Team will join the stage in Hiroshima and Saturday in Imabari. Meanwhile Hottie is on its way to Kyoto to meet us there for the Grand Final. I wonder if I can beat the Ambassador (give him ‘backwheel’ as we say in Denmark) or if all I will give him is Hot Dogs.

At times, I feel overwhelmed that Hottie is in Japan and furthermore getting loads of amazing positive response, its really fantastic and slightly unreal. Thanks again to all the sponsors – Especially Påskebrød, Tulip and DSV, who have delivered so generously and on time.

Over and out fra Hiroshima, Japan.

Bai bai Fanny PølseWoman

Hottie in Japan is supported by the following:

  • Paaskebrød
  • Tulip
  • DSV
  • Centrum Turist
  • Jupiter Skilte & Bilindretning
  • Ernst & Young
  • Interlex Advokater
  • Bähncke
  • Hummel
  • Token
  • Philosophy Blues Original
  • Kaospiloterne
  • Japan Photo Århus a/s
  • WomenPowerFactory
  • Actec
  • 3DP Steka Reklame A/S
  • Kontutto
  • COP15 Cycling Tour

  • They love it

    We’ve been welcomed with big smiles from all at the Embassy, and those Japanese absolutely love our hot dogs. Hottie stood proudly at the Embassy having arrived on time and intact awaiting Soren, Hot Dog Agent and me, Fanny the Hot Dog Girl. We’d travelled all the way to the Far East to team up again to serve some Danish coziness and happy times.

    Hotto Doggo o doozo

    The evening before the COP15 Cycling Tour the Danish ambassador Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin hosted a pre-event for invited VIP’s. Hottie and Team had the honour to serve hot dogs for free to support the orphanage in China. I had my debut in Japanese and amazingly the Japanese guests understood me! My tongue grappled with the unfamiliar words, ending it smoothly with the words Hotto Doggo o doozo "Please, have a hot dog". Over the next couple of hours Tulip sausages and Paaskebroed rolls were handed out and the many prominent guests queued up curiously, wondering about the project.

    First stage - Tokyo

    On the morning of May 23rd the cycling tour started. Both the Danish ambassador and the former environmental minister of Japan got pedalling. While all the gathered participants headed off, Søren Hot Dog Agent and I went to get Hottie ready for the big day’s event in the centre of Tokyo. The area was full of tents and exhibitions providing info about the Danish cycling culture with special Danish bike designers Christiana Bikes taking centre stage. Even before the midday start time there was already a long impatient line in front of Hottie. The smell of the hot dogs had wafted through the air and the excited Japanese began to get watery mouths without knowing quite what to expect. For most of them it was the first time they were going to bite in a juicy Danish hot dog with all.

    Hotto doggo o zenbu

    The hot dog race began and the hot dogs flew out of Hottie at the speed of lightning. Soon the line was so long that security had to be called to take control. I guess that’s the Japanese Way! The line of people looked like a never-ending snake and one time Søren Hot Dog Agent counted seventy-three hungry people. Hottie was over-excited. What an incredible success in the center of Tokyo, Japan. Who would have thought it?! I couldn’t see the end of the line and the result was 350 hot dogs in just four hours. At the end we had to stop people from queueing up. The afternoon gave me time enough to practice saying "a hot dog with all" in Japanese… "hotto doggo o zenbu". People waited amazingly patiently in the line, smiling, interested and curious. Displaying more of the Japanese Way! Even when the ambassador went on stage with the 23 mayors from Tokyo, many still stood in line to get a hot dog. The mayors handed over supporting declarations for the Danish politicians to have for the UN Climate meeting in Copenhagen in December.

    Successful debut

    Everywhere we go the tour is met by the Japanese Way and we there is an enormous amount of helpfulness everywhere we go. Hottie is being safely transported by local drivers and if ever we need any help it’s guaranteed to be right in front of us. Whether it’s is in the metro finding our way about or at the event area needing water for the sausages. Its truly wonderful to be a Hot Dog Girl in Japan.

    We have had a very exciting and successful debut in Tokyo. With more than one thousand visitors in the event area. Over 450 hot dogs have been served and two charity boxes are completely full.

    My hope is to collect $2500 US – the money we still need to build the orphanage in China. Tomorrow, Monday, Hottie travels to stage three of the cycling tour in Fukushima, and the Hot Dog Team follows in her wake.

    Hottie and the Hot Dog Team can already tell stories about juicy hot dogs, big smiles and huge successes to date in the land of the rising sun, ………….’the Japanese Way’. Yet there is more to come….

    If you want to see more pictures from Japan just click on the picture above - Enjoy..!

    "Bai Bai" – "Goodbye."

    Hottie in Japan is supported by the following:

  • Paaskebrød
  • Tulip
  • DSV
  • Centrum Turist
  • Jupiter Skilte & Bilindretning
  • Ernst & Young
  • Interlex Advokater
  • Bähncke
  • Hummel
  • Token
  • Philosophy Blues Original
  • Kaospiloterne
  • Japan Photo Århus a/s
  • WomenPowerFactory
  • Actec
  • 3DP Steka Reklame A/S
  • Kontutto
  • COP15 Cycling Tour

  • Saturday, May 23, 2009

    From Kyoto to Copenhagen

    Once again the voluntary Hot Dog Team heads East. To Japan. "From Kyoto to Copenhagen" is the headline, that will attract 10.000 Japanese to get on the bike to support the UN Climate Meeting in Copenhagen (COP15). The tour begins the 23rd of May in Tokyo.

    Make a difference
    The message for the Japanese is, that everyone of us can do something
    for the environment and climate. "Be the change you want to see in the
    world", says the Danish Ambassador in Tokyo, Franz-Michael S. Mellbin. Fanny Hot Dog
    Girl agrees and therefore Hottie has solar panels, diode light bulbs.

    Hotttie is ready for a new bike to generate power and Fanny is on the look for environmentally friendly gas. The flight of course is made conbon neutrale and on a poster you can see how much CO2 hot dog infers.

    The dream is to inspire to make a positive change for others by doing it. Hottie hands out a bite of Danish culture and collects money for under-funded
    charities. And Yes, it is the Danish Tulip sausages and Danish hot
    dog buns (Paaskebroed) that will be shared as always with love and a smile.
    Unfortunately theres is no remoulade, which is really Danish and
    impossible to import to Japan.

    In 2008 and 2009 all the donated money will be given to the project
    "coming home" in the city Zhengzhou in Henan Province, China. One home
    for 4-8 kids and two caregivers costs approximately 13,000 US Dollars and the goal for the Hot Dog Stand is to build at least one home. In total we now have app. 10,500 US Dollars.

    To build the home we are collaborating with the charity Morning Tears. Morning Tears works primarily for children whose parents are sentenced to death or who serve a long prison sentence. Morning Tears gives them hope for the future.

    The ambassador will join the expected 10.000 cyclists on the tour
    together with well known politicians and celebrities. After the last stage in
    Copenhagen supporting statements about a better climate from the
    Japanese environmental minister will be handed over to the Danish
    environmental minister Connie Hedegaard.

    Hottie will be in Tokyo, Fukushima and Kyoto, hand out free hot dogs
    all afternoon and collect money for the orphanage in China. With hot
    dogs in the legs the Hot Dog Team will cycle in Hiroshima and Imabari
    to join the promotion of cycling culture.

    The Hot Dog Team is leaving the 19th of May, the same day Hottie
    arrives in Tokyo with DSV. The preview is on 22nd of May at the Danish
    Embassy and for the very first time the scent of crispy Danish hot dogs will fly in the streets of Tokyo

    The voluntary Hot Dog Team is Fanny Posselt and Søren Dahl. Contact info: Fanny Posselt // 30625530 //

    Hottie is supported by:

  • Paaskebrød
  • Tulip
  • DSV
  • Centrum Turist
  • Jupiter Skilte & Bilindretning
  • Ernst & Young
  • Interlex Advokater
  • Bähncke
  • Hummel
  • Token
  • Philosophy Blues Original
  • Kaospiloterne
  • Japan Photo Århus a/s
  • WomenPowerFactory
  • Actec
  • 3DP Steka Reklame A/S
  • Kontutto
  • COP15 Cycling Tour
  • Wednesday, January 14, 2009

    Art gave money to Morning Tears

    Jonas Mousten Eriksen and Kristin Birkeland had a lovely day with a lot of visitors. Posters and art were sold, coffee and glögg enjoyed to support the hot dog stand's home for kids in China.

    The day enden with an auction to great satisfaction for everybody - not least for Morning Tears and the kids that need a new home.

    In total we got another DKR 4006.

    This picture was sold for DKR 700. It's made by Jonas Mousten Eriksen / ME MoustenEriksen -

    Art and charity

    Fanny Hot Dog Girl is invited to join the Chistmas joy in Gl. Munkegade, Århus Sunday the 21st of December to supoort the building of the home for Chinese Kids. All the money will be donated to the home. You can put in money here...

    Donate money:

    Alm. Brand Bank // Reg no. 7681 // Account no: 5067137

    Thank you for playing a part in making a possitive change for kids, who hope for a better future.

    If these kids of criminals in China get a home, they will have the opportunity to go to school and that could secure their future.

    Read more about the kids

    Thank you for your interest in our work.

    Have a very merry Christmas

    Fanny Hot Dog Girl

    The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

    The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

    The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

    The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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