How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

USA coast2coast 2007

Drømmen om at krydse USA, kyst til kyst, fra New York til Los Angeles bliver gennemført i 2007 og Pølsevognen bliver miljøvenlig.

Mål USA coast2coast
Strøm til Pølsevognen skaffes ved hjælp af en cykel.
Besøg hos Today og “Oprah Winfrey”.
Få Al Gore til at køre på energi-cyklen, der laver strøm til Pølsevognen.
Få Arnold Schwarzenegger og Sven Ole Thorsen til at løfte Pølsevognen.
Skaffe en autograf fra BB-King.
Køre en omgang på Atlanta football stadium med Morten Andersen i Pølsevognen.
Få Helena Christensen til at servere hottere i New York.
Give G. W. Bush en hotter ved det Hvide Hus.
Høre hvad Bill Clinton og Hillary Clinton mener om danske hottere.
Få en full body treatment af Ole Henriksen i Hollywood.
Udgive et musik-album med min. én sang fra otte forskellige musikere.

Musik-album ”Appetite for action?”
I forbindelse med turen produceres et musik-album, der vil være tilgængelig på og blive spillet på turen gennem USA. Pengene derfra går ligeledes til danske og amerikanske børn med gigt. Interesserede musikere kan støtte ved at skrive en sang til turen eller donere en alleredeproduceret sang. Flere musikere har allerede vistinteresse i at donere en sang.

The dream of crossing the United States, coast to coast; New York to Los Angeles, will be fulfilled in 2007 and the Hot Dog Stand goes green.

Goals USA coast 2coast

Generate power for the Hot Dog Stand from a bike
Visit Today´s `Morning Show` and `Oprah Winfrey`.
Get Al Gore to ride the power-bike.
Ask Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sven Ole Thorsen to carry the Hot Dog Stand.
Get an autograph from BB-King.
Get inside the Atlanta football stadium with the kicker Morten Andersen in the Hot Dog Stand.
Have the model and store owner Helena Christensen to serve hot dogs in New York.
Serve a hot dog to G. W. Bush in front of The White House.
See if Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton like Danish Hot Dogs.
Get a full body treatment by Ole Henriksen in Hollywood.
Release a music album with at least one song from eight different artists.

The music album “Appetite for action?”
For the tour in the United States a music album is being released on and played on the tour. The sales proceeds will be donated to Danish and American children with arthritis. Interested musicians can contribute by writing songs for the tour or donating an alreadyproduced song. Several musicians have shown strong interest in doing so.


Anonymous said...

We love Danish hot dogs. Please come to San Francisco not Los Angeles.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will be coming to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My Danish Mother-in-law raves about Danish hot dogs! Please come to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas!!!!!!!!!

Connie Burk said...

B.B. King has a night club in Memphis, and we are several Danes here who would LOVE a Danish hot dog, so come on down!

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

Hi Connie, if you can arrange for us to hand out hot dogs for free for en hour in front of the night club, we would be happy to stop by. It has to be on their private property. How is that? - Fanny Hot Dog Woman

Connie Burk said...

Hej Fanny: You can contact the club here: + 901-524-5464 or

Anonymous said...

I love danish hotdogs.
Are you coming to D.C. When????

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

If you can get the Clinton couple to join you for a hot dog, I will be there...Fanny

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The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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