How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Press release /// Hottie at Le Mans

Danish Le Mans drivers in the World’s most travelled Hot Dog Stand

Fanny Hot Dog Girl challenges this year’s Danish Le Mans drivers to make a hot dog in less than 24 seconds. Who do you think is fastest?

World’s most travelled Hot Dog Stand is right now in the Expo-Camp with Motorsportsrejser less than 200 meters from the main entrance of Le Mans 2008.

Thursday night saw the Hot Dog Team head out to K-Travel’s camp. Hottie proudly stood outside the main tent, where over 1500 happy Danes were having a racing good time. Once the hot dogs were ready, Fanny Hot Dog Girl, went on stage, interrupted the band and spread the message, officially opening the Hot Dog Stand. For 45 minutes free hot dogs and Cocios were served, and people readily donated money for this year’s charity – to build a school in China. This exciting project will be realized in collaboration with the group ‘Engineers Without Boarders’.

Danish race drivers in Hottie
Friday was the big Hot Dog race day, the Danish drivers would come to Motorsportsrejser´s camp and take up the Hot Dog Race challenge. Hottie glowed from excitement, while the Hot Dog Team made it ready for the big day. Red sausages were put on the pans and the delicious smells were blowing in the wind, the bread toaster had a test lap while the solar panels on the roof made power for Hottie’s lights.

And then it happened…right after the drivers’ interviews on stage the Hot Dog Agents grabbed them one by one and Fanny Hot Dog Girl challenged them to make a hot dog with all in less than 24 seconds. By lining up on the hot dog start line they supported the building of a school in China.

After a short introduction the drivers could make a mental Hot Dog ‘practice lap’ before the stopwatch started. A hot dog with all á la race coming up…

The flag dropped and they were off to a flying start…
You’d have thought they had been doing it for years!. Fanny Hot Dog Girl was really impressed over the speed and is convinced that they are able to transfer the speed from the race track to the Hot Dog Stand. With a steady hand and 100% focus Allan Simonsen won the Hot Dog Race.

Allan Simonsen 15 seconds
Lars Erik Nielsen 20 seconds
Jan Magnussen 22 seconds
Kasper Elgaard 23,8 seconds
John Nielsen 26 seconds

Voluntary Le Mans Hot Dog Team
Hot Dog Agent Pernille Morthensen
Hot Dog Agent Gavin Northover
Hot Dog Girl Fanny Posselt

Offset Hot Dog Agent Claudio Amdisen

Contact person Hot Dog Girl Fanny Posselt / 3062 5530 &

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Le Mans here we come

Hottie left yesterday pulled by a bus from Motorsportsrejser, while the Hot Dog Agents and I are getting ready to leave for Le Mans tomorrow. The Hot Dog Agents on this tour is: Pernille Morthensen and Gavin Northover.

From Thursday morning we will all be in the middle of the World´s one and only 24 hour race Le Mans. We will be handing out hot dogs for free and collecting money for charity.

This year we will collect money in order to build a school in China. To do this Hottie and I are allied with the Danish organization Engineers without Boarders.

Danish drivers will stop by and help serve the hot dogs and who knows...I might challenge them to make a hot dog with all in 24 seconds.

Look out for more news and pictures.

Wrap-Up USA coast2coast 2007

Overrækkelse til Børn med gigt d. 16. maj 2008
Ole Henriksen var med da indsamling fra Pølsevognens tur USA coast2coast 2007 blev overrakt til Børn med gigt. Ole Henriksen er gennem mødet med PølseWoman blevet inspireret til at blive talsmand for gigtforeningen og er nu officiel medlem af Pølsefamilien.

PølseVenner, PølseSponsorer, PølseMusikere, PølseTeam og gigtforeningen var inviteret til afslutning af Pølsevognens tur USA coast2coast 2007.

Arrangementet blev holdt hos PR-Bureau Pro Tempore i hjertet af København onsdag den 14. maj og der var naturligvis hottere fra Tulip og Påskebrød samt Congobajere fra Cocio til de fremmødte. Vincent Van Go Go leverede funky musik til ørerne.

Beløbet, der blev overrakt, kom fra flere aktiviteter.

Martin Jørgensen bortauktionerede Fiorentina-effekter til AGF erhversklub kr. 48.250
MH-Møbler donerede sofa, som fodboldlandsholdet underskrev og AGF bortauktionerede kr. 30.000
Brabrand IF's brug af Pølsevognen til julestævne 2007 kr. 5000
Pølsevognens Tour de France 2006 kr. 1504
Pølsevognens USA coast2coast 2007 kr. 24.855,96

Det var en stor ære for mig, PølseWoman at byde Ole Henriksen velkommen i PølseFamilien og det varmede mit hjerte, at opleve, hvordan han er blevet inspireret til at blive talsmand for gigtforeningen og Børn med gigt.

Vores drøm med Pølsevognen er at inspirere til at gøre en positiv forskel for andre og det er hermed gjort.

Tak til alle der har været en del af dette eventyr - både sponsorer og andre, der uselvisk har støttet og hjulpet.

Heldige SponsorVindere udtrukket af Ole Henriksen

Martin Jørgensen, Fiorentina spillertrøje: Kilroy
Thomas Helveg, OB spillertrøje: Maxit
Leon Andreasen, Fullham spillertrøje: Interlex advokater
Pølsekasket med autografer: Centrum Turist, Påskebrød, Danish Crown

Special Hot Dog Friends

Beside our lovely sponsors, collaborators and the hot Dog Team that played a part in making this tour possible, I would like to thank my very special Hot Dog Friends that have helped the adventure in an unselfish and very valuable way.

Søren Broberg Johansen, Carl Vilhjelm, Franc Mathews, Bill Berg, Sean Steinmarc, Michael (LA), Ralf (LA), Allan Rasmussen from Saags, Pasco Onions, Allan Webber, Adam Webber, Christian Christensen, Ross McMillan, Simon Kavanagh, Sven Ole Thorsen, Ole Henriksen, Organik the band, Beverly Wofford and Bobbi.

Thanks to sponsors of USA coast2coast 2007

DSV, Tulip, Teknologisk Institut, Danish Crown, VisitDenmark, SBJ, Cocio Chokolademælk, Paaskebrød, Kilroy Travels, Santa Maria, Gouda Rejseforsikring, FKI, Laksen, Centrum Turist, Hessellund El, Norsminde Kro, Vangsgaard, Ernst & Young, Maxit, Sports Management Advisor, Prefueled, 55DSL, pro tempore, Interlex Advokater, Hilton Millennium, Pasco Onion, Radio 100FM, Jens Arentzen, Spiff Studio, Kreakvarium

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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