How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Le Mans here we come

Hottie left yesterday pulled by a bus from Motorsportsrejser, while the Hot Dog Agents and I are getting ready to leave for Le Mans tomorrow. The Hot Dog Agents on this tour is: Pernille Morthensen and Gavin Northover.

From Thursday morning we will all be in the middle of the World´s one and only 24 hour race Le Mans. We will be handing out hot dogs for free and collecting money for charity.

This year we will collect money in order to build a school in China. To do this Hottie and I are allied with the Danish organization Engineers without Boarders.

Danish drivers will stop by and help serve the hot dogs and who knows...I might challenge them to make a hot dog with all in 24 seconds.

Look out for more news and pictures.

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The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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