How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Does Anders Fogh get a Danish hot dog in China

This is China and this is still China.

There is no doubt – Hottie has landed in the city that never sleeps. I thought it was New York and it is actually Shanghai. People bike, work on the streets and buildings, play cards in an alley, hang out with friends, sing karaoke and party all night. It is also the city where people wear their pyjamas in the streets. This is China. Maybe we should try that in Denmark?!

All of a sudden one, two, three or more mobile food stands are in a hurry, because the police are nearby. They leave a trace of smoke and it smells deliciously. It is not legal to be everywhere in the City with a food stand. There is a lot and they get around attached to a bike or by foot. The ones by foot reminds me of the hot dog stands, we all know from the 1920’es, when the hot dog stand invaded Denmark.

The Chinese food stands serve primarily meat and vegetables on sticks, noodles and emlets. Once I tasted something that reminded me of a hot dog. The sausage was wrapped in a pancake with an egg on top and sauces. A different experience and I could tell it wasn’t a sausage from Tulip

Chinese Hot Dog Angel
Saturday the 18th of October we stood in front of the danish house to Creative Industry Week and to be 100% ready steady we got our Hot Dog Flyer printet in Chinese. It happened in the late hours the day before, only because our Chinese Hot Dog Angel Helen can do magic.

Helen is Chinese and speak fluent English. She knows a lot, I mean a lot of people in this city and with her phone, she can get things in a very short time. Svupti wupti and then that’s done. Other than that she is very valuable, when we communicate with the Chinese, who rarely can speak very little English. That Saturday she stood in front of Hottie and told the people that our dream is to inspire to make a positive change by handing out hot dogs for free and collect money for abandoned kids in Henan Province.

Nihao má? – Kaila?
How are you? – happy? From Hottie I could see many happy faces and I saw the line looking like a snake with about 30 Chinese people in the line during the two hours. They came to the hot dog stand with curious eyes and appreciative nods. At the end we had to write a sign in Chinese and close the line.

Wauv. What an overwhelming success. Sweaty by the warm pans I handed out hot dogs with a speed of record. About 350 in two hours and only with help from Hot Dog Agent Søren I did it. He prepared a bread with a sausage, so I could add Flüggers color scheme, teeth, dried skin and åkander…with the hot dog we served Cocio Chocolate milk and Rosenkilde Aqua. The water proved helpful with up to 25 degrees. Pyhhhh.

The same scenario played on Sunday, when we once more opened Hottie in a couple of hours. This time with no more than five local Hot Dog Agents. Helen wes there again and brought a previous celebrity in China and musician, a professor and artist plus a couple of designers. They were all inspired to make a positive change og they were really helpful. Happy, smiling and enthusiastic they spread the word about Hottie’s dream and the home we wish to build for abandoned kids in Henan Province together with Morning Tears. Hottie truly appreciated our local Hot Dog Agents, because then Søren Hot Dog Agent and I, Fanny Hot Dog Girl could race the sun in shining on the people.

The minute before we serve the hot dogs the Hot Dog Team sings: Kina skal man ikke grin’a” // Don’t laugh of China, which is an old Danish song. Our local Hot Dog Agents can now sing it – they are really good at copying. This is China.

Girl Power
A young Chinese woman said ”Girl Power”, when I handed her a hot dog. I smiled and Hottie danced of joy. They really have received the concept well and some thank us for coming to their country to help their kids.

More Pictures

If you want to see more pictures from Shanghai just go to this link.

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

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The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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