How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hottie in Shanghai to support abandoned kids in China

Get a Danish hot dog for free and donate
money to a home for abandoned kids in Henan Province.
请来免费品尝丹麦热狗吧, 也同时请你慷慨相助我们在河南的孤儿之家,
All the money goes to the home.

My dream is to inspire people to make a positive change for
others by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish
culture for free to support under-funded charities, says Fanny
Posselt. Since 2003 I have been touring Europe with The Danish
Hot Dog Stand and last year we crossed the USA from New York
to Los Angeles. More recently we visited Le Mans, France.
Now the Hot Dog Stand and I are in Shanghai attending the
International Creative Industry Week to support the building of a
home for abandoned kids in China. This happens in close
collaboration with the Royal Danish Consulate General in

To build the home we collaborate with the organization Morning
Tears that are run by volunteers and we will visit some of the kids
in Shanghai with the Hot Dog Stand.
Morning Tears rebuilds the world for children who have suffered
or are suffering heavy emotional pain.
In 2008 all the donated money will be given to the project
“coming home” in the city Zhengzhou in Henan Province, China.
One home for 4-8 kids and two caregivers costs approximately
9.400 Euros and the goal for the Hot Dog Stand is to build at
least one home.
Morning Tears works primarily for children whose parents are
sentenced to death or who serve a long prison sentence.
Morning Tears has signed in a friendly spirit cooperation
agreements with the Chinese authorities to carry out the project
´coming home – after the death sentence of a parent’.
Children whose parents are executed suffer tremendous
emotional pains. Besides their trauma they have to cope with
stigmas and prejudices from society. Often nobody wants to take
care of them because children of convicts are themselves
considered as criminals. These children bring bad luck. Nobody
wants to take care of them and they end up on street.
The general objective of the project is to provide home-based
care for 120 Morning Tears children. These children will be
provided with homes where they can heal from their traumas,
strengthen their resilience and fully develop their potentials.

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

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The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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