How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Danish Prime Minister at the hotdog stand

Does the Danish Prime Minister get a Danish hot dog in China?
- to support the building of a home for abandoned kids in Henan Province in collaboration with Morning Tears.

We have had huge amount of experiences the last couple of days at the Creative Industry Week in Shanghai with the World’s most travelled hot dog stand. A bit too nosy Chinese people crawled in the window of Hottie and halfway in, they made photos of the stand, with great attention from both the police and the media, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Prime Minister came to visit and dear Hottie had to go back onto the same truck that didn’t have any ramps. This is China.

The Human behind the Prime MinisterAfter a successful weekend with a constant line and a lot of acknowledging smiles from curious Chinese people, the Hot Dog Team was ready to meet the human behind the Danish Prime Minister. We were very interested in knowing, what his dream is. Hottie and the Team dream is to inspire people to make a positive change for others – we wonder what Anders dreams of?

At 2pm we had to leave the area to let the police and their (hot) dogs search the buildings. Afterwards only people with an invitation could get in through a metal detector.

The delegation arrives

Hottie stood energized, gorgeous and very ready for the highlight of the night. To serve hot dogs for the human behind our Prime Minister and the Danish exhibitors after Hummel’s fashion show. Beside that it was the last time Hottie would serve hot dogs in China. Unfortunately she cannot come to Xi’an, when the Hot Dog Team go there to hand out hot dogs at two of Morning Tears’ infant homes.

Then the delegation came. Ceo’s from the biggest companies in Denmark, security and of course both the Danish and Chinese media. They passed the hot dog stand for the first time and went into the exhibition hall, where the Prime Minister shook hands with Junckers, Kaffe Clothing, Hummel and the other participating companies

Hold your breath
After the speeches, canapés, and Hummel’s fashion show the Prime Minister passed Hottie for the third time and this time maybe he would stop. The Hot Dog Team and Hottie held their breath…he came closer and and and… and he passed. He had a press meeting. We took a deep breath and the other Danes stood in line and hungered for a hot dog. Most were drawling for a hot dog and had done it since the afternoon. Now the scent of hot dogs was floating in the air and we heard one good excuse after the other why they should have hot dog before the Prime Minister.

Who should have known that we are THAT popular in China?

Ready steady for the Prime Minister
Another 15 minutes passed before the Prime Minister came in sight again and steered towards Hottie. I, Fanny Hot Dog Girl had a warm hot dog ready together with Søren and Helen Hot Dog Agents. Smiling and full of cosiness we welcomed him.
I introduced myself as Fanny Hot Dog Girl with the World’s most travelled hot dog stand that supports charity. Søren Hot Dog Agent told that we this time support the building of a infant home in Henan Province and Helen said she is the local Hot Dog Agent. Then I told him that our dream is to inspire to make a positive change for others and that we have a book for our dreams. That book we will bring to the infant kids in Xi’an. Amongst others one of Shanghai’s mayors and ceo of Hummel, Christian Stadil have written in it.

Smiling Anders Fogh accepted the challenge and YES, he also accepted the hot dog and happily took a bite. Probably because all hot dogs from Hottie are served with love and a smiling eyes. When he wrote in the book, I suddenly noticed the circle of security guards surrounding us. Even through the backdoor I looked straight into the eyes of a guard. WOW!!

The dream of the Prime MinisterOne of them pulled my sleeve and whispered that they were 25 minutes late and the road was closed. They could not open it until the Prime minister had passed it, so the Chinese organizers were getting a bit impassioned. Anders Fogh Rasmussen wrote: ”My dream is a world with more freedom, peace, prosperity and intercultural understanding”.

After that we thanked him for swinging by and wished for him a great trip in China. Wauv, he really spent a lot of time with us and we felt very honoured. For sure we can thank the organizers of Creative Industry Week and especially our Hot Dog Angel Mette Knudsen, consul of Commerce for this to happen - this and the trip to China overall to happen with genuine Danish goods and a genuine Danish Hot dog stand. It is definitely not easy.

The Hot Dog Stand at the afterpartyThe crowd in front of Hottie was excited and when the Prime Minister left the cosy athmosphere and went away in the night, we declared free hot dogs for everyone. Wauv, people were eager. Søren PølseAgent had to assist me in the stand, while Helen suggested the visitors to donate money for the infant home.

What a Hot Dog Party. That night and all the other times we had open in Shanghai. take a look a the pictures in the gallery : Pictures from Shanghai

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

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