How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Beverly Hills, Danish Film Festival Reception

On October the 6th we drove up to Beverly Hills, Angelo Drive after a hunt for methanol. After searching for it a couple of hours and being sent to one place after another that did not have it, we gave up. We did order some loooong time ago and expected it to show up in Elk Horn. It did four days too late and then we were gone. Thomas from Elk Horn tried to send it to LA, but you have to be licenced to send Methanol. Bummer!

Not having methanol it is great that our bike is up and running and many people sat on the bike that day in Beverly Hills. The Danish Film Festival Reception was hosted by Niels Christian Uhrenholt from the Trade Commission of Denmark here in LA and approx. 100 people were invited.

Standing in the drive way we could welcome the guests when they arrived and let them know about us and our cause. Everybody was positively surprised when they saw us, said it looked really cozy and that they would definately come back. The Hot Dog Agents Tina, Søren and Lee had made it really really nice with candle light and music from the charity CD. Lee also made remoulade, Yummi!

Vincent Van Go Go played at the reception and fine cuisine were served by the pool.

Despite the cuisine some people said that we were the best that night and a wonderful ingredient to the fancy reception. Even one of the Chefs, Al, said that everybody in the kitchen loved the hot dogs; he brought down some of their food and the Hot Dog Team loved that! Typical.

Well, during that night I was honored by many happy faces that spread some good energy. Mads Mikkelsen came by and asked me if I remembered what kind of onions he likes....uhhh raw, I said and it was right. He told me that thursday night, when I bumped into him at Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. I am so glad I remembered. Pyhhh. He ordered a heated Cocio and said he would be back.

In the meantime Anders Mattesen came by to enjoy a hot dog together with some friends. Kristian Riis from Nephew and Janus from Vincent Van Go Go both had their debut as a Hot Dog Man. They both did it sooooo well, I was really proud and we had a great time in Hottie serving Hot Dogs to happy people, who think that the project is very very cool.

Then came Torsten Jansen, Head of Press, Culture and Information at the Danish Embassy in Washington DC. He just wanted to stop by to say hello....all of a sudden he was in the hot dog stand making hot dogs and he himself was surprised. Then he sat on the bike generating a loooooot of power for the battery - I think he is used to biking, cause waauuv he could bike. Last but not least he enjoyed a hot dog and then he was even more surprised, cause all he wanted was to say hello. Magic, I think it is the Hottie Magic. The kind of Magic that fills you up with joy, energy and good vibes - the Magic that attracts you..the Hottie Magic...Yeahhh

When the Cocio was almost boiling Mr. Mikkelsen came to have his hot dog with raw onions and heated cocio. We chatted and talked about meeting the next time in Beijing to the Olympics 2008, because of course he is gonna qualify for that...descipline...hmmm I suggested "stangspring" he thought it would be 800 meters, well, we will see.

It was a cosy night and I saw a lot af smiling faces saying that we are really cool, doing this for kids with arthritis. It makes me warm when people say that.

I am proud of my Hot Dog Team that once again kicked ass and made the night memorable for a lot of people including myself. Thank you, my special Hot Dog Agents Tina, Søren and Lee.

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