How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How are things going?

Well, if I look at the goals, here is how we are doing.

Goals USA coast 2coast

Generate power for the Hot Dog Stand from a bike - I have the bike and it works.

Visit Today´s `Morning Show` and `Oprah Winfrey` - I have been in contact with Oprah's senior producer of the content and he is waiting for some material from me. He mentioned something about a theme in May next year I would fit into. I will keep on fighting for it. NBC got an email - no answer.

Get Al Gore to ride the power-bike - we will invite him for an event in LA.

Ask Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sven Ole Thorsen to
carry the Hot Dog Stand
- I am arranging an event with Sven in LA, I hope it works out. Ha got it confirmed today, Sven is coming to the event the 12th in LA.

Get an autograph from BB-King - we have been in contact with a band member of his.

Get inside the Atlanta football stadium with the kicker Morten Andersen in the Hot Dog Stand - well, since Morten didn't have a club by the time I left Denmark, we couldn't do it, now he has and now it is too late, unfortunately.

Have the model and store owner Helena Christensen to serve hot dogs in New York - we were working so hard to get a car and trailer in NYC that we didn't even have time to visit Helena in her store. I wrote her an email not long ago - no reply.

Serve a hot dog to G. W. Bush in front of The White House - because of Oprah Winfrey I decided to go through Chicago and not Washington DC.

See if Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton like Danish Hot Dogs - they will get an invitation for the event in LA.

Get a full body treatment by Ole Henriksen in Hollywood - I have left a message on his answering machine, now I am crossing my fingers.

Release a music album with at least one song from eight different artists - the music album is being released at this week with 16 songs. A spot is made for the Danish radio: Radio 100FM and they will send it out in the air.

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The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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