How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Children with ”Morning Tears”.

One kid dreams of having a home again, one dreams of helping others and one dreams of his dad getting out of jail.

No doubt, these kids’ dreams are about something very simple, when compared to those of the Shanghai mayor and the Danish Prime Minister.

At Dong Zhou Children Village
The kids’ parents are criminals but in China these kids are also looked at as criminals. They get no respect and acceptance from society and if they didn’t have the opportunity to stay with the Morning Tears, they would end up in the streets, homeless. Even in the children home they can not be in peace. The kids we visited were recently beaten by the people from the local village – both by children and adults. Now a wire fence surrounds the home.

Despite their tough background we were welcomed to Dong Zhou Children Village with smiles and arms in the air. Dong Zhou has approximately 500 inhabitants and is close to the huge city of Xian. What a welcome. 42 kids live there in the age between 3 years and 18 years, both girls and boys.

They need to learn how to live with the trauma caused by losing their parents. In most cases a parent has been killed by the other parent usually victims of their partners abuse. The state will sentence the parent to death or 21 years in prison for murder – if they can proof they acted in self defence.

Mostly the mother kills the father after years with abuse and often the kids have been abused as well. Morning Tears takes care of these kids that nobody else in China wants anything to do with. They make sure they get a place to stay, which means they can attend the local school. They give them hope for the future.

Further more they treat their traumas and do every thing they possibly can to get the kids back on their feet. Morning Tears fight for the right to let the kids visit their parent in prison. In that way they can stay in contact, because despite the tragedy the kids love their parent.

If a parent is being executed, Morning Tears arranges a visit to say goodbye. These kids have to deal with a whole lot from a very young age - issues that no one should ever have to experience.

It makes a lot of sense that the organisation, that helps these kids, is named Morning Tears.

Fanny Hot Dog Girl in Chinese
”Wo de mèng xiang shì zhòu yoú shi jie lai gu lì bié ren gèng hao shèng huó yòng dàn mài rè gou hot dog laí zhì chì chì shàn”.

I had my debut in Chinese. Helen Hot Dog Agent translated the text and the kids understood my humble attempt to speak their language. With both laughter and help throughout.

Translated to English:
My dream is to travel around the world and inspire to make a positive change for others and do it by handing out Danish hot dogs to support charity

When I went to the kitchen, the kids surrounded the book of dreams and a couple of them drew in it at a time. In the primitive kitchen I made my self at home and found very different implements than I am used to. I sent a thought to Hottie, while I unpacked our suitcases and found sausages, bread etc. Hottie would have loved the kids. And the kids would have loved Hottie. No doubt!

The sausages went into a Chinese type of cooking pot and the microwave heated up the bread. I asked for a fork for the pickles and they gave me chop sticks. Oh well, new approaches are always good to try and this is China!

Popular hot dogs
When the sausages were ready to be served, the kids lined up in the kitchen pretty quick. I got help from some of the caregivers and together we served hot dogs `with all` to the kids. They also got Chocolate milk, busily slurping as they went into the eating room. We sat together and had a cosy time with Danish hot dogs and chit chat hot dog talk. In the middle of China. Together with kids, who really need help and where a little can make a big difference.

The biggest challenge right now is to pay the dept they have from buying food – RMB 77.000 (approx. 8.000 Euros). They spend RMB 9 per kid per day. (approx. 1,30 Euros) Usually the province pays the bill at the end of the year. This year the province had to send money to the earth quake province and therefore they don’t want to give money to Morning Tears. That money Morning Tears have to get from somewhere else.

A passionate soul
Koen Sevenants, Founder and General Director of Morning Tears, gets half of his salary from the Belgium state. The rest come from donations. The few donations Morning Tears receive are from businesses, individuals, the Belgium state and the province, where the
children home is. Some of their employees work for food, shelter and a low salary. The rest is volunteers.

Koen has chosen to take care of these kids, and in doing so exposed his passionate soul. He has been involved in this since 1999 and has known some of the kids just as long. When he is in Xian, he lives together with some of the most vulnerable kids in an apartment in the centre of the city. It is very clear that he has a warm and caring relationship with the kids of criminal parents.

Tour de children home
After a bite of Danish culture some of the girls took me by the hand and showed me around. Girls’ rooms, boys’ rooms, the shower, the library, the study room, TV room, which is an old TV and two stools in a stone cold room. Autumn was on its way and the air was chilly. I noticed the rooms had no doors and were missing some windows.
It will be very cold in the winter if nothing is done.

At the moment they cannot afford to make any repairs or improvements. Without windows and doors in the house, it will be very cold when the temperature drops to minus 15 degrees. Despite that, the winter cold is easier to handle than the summer heat according to the kids.

While we were walking around, the other kids were playing on the playground and with the little toys they have. Some played table tennis and some with a hula hoop. Despite everything the kids seem really appreciative for what they have got. For the kids in this situation, to have a place to live, sleep and eat is better than nothing.

The ugly duckling
At the end of the visit before Søren Hot Dog Agent, who was the photographer of the day, and I, Fanny Hot Dog Girl left, I asked one of the caregivers to read a story for the kids from the total collection of H.C. Andersen fairytales. I chose “The ugly duckling” to remind us that even though we are different, we all have the potential to become a beautiful swan.

The kids all know the fairytales of H.C. Andersen and love them. Together we listened to the Chinese version, while the kids drank Cocio’s chocolate milk

Before leaving the kids sang the English version of the ABC…and their very own song about being who they are and their situation. It was very touching to see their happy faces sing.

Wauv, I really think these kids are amazing. They smile; they play and made me feel so welcome, despite the tough reality they live in.

I told them that the direction that does not begin in the heart is a dead end and one of the girls wrote in the book of dreams: ”Thanks, I´m very happy. You gave me a good time. I want to become a country leader in the future. I want to help others like you. I hope that it will come true.” Another one wrote: “Love made us meet and be together”.

A huge difference
When we drove out through the gate, 42 smiling kids were waving. See you, some kids had said. You are welcome to come back…their words were crashing around in my mind. Do we? Are we able to? Are we able not to?

There is no doubt that the help, we are trying to give to Morning Tears and the kids that are going to live in the home in Henan Province, will make a huge difference to needy souls in a society that has turned its back on them.

No matter geography, age, childhood, social class, colour and religion there is one thing in common….. we all have dreams. One of the kids writes very touching and precise: “We all belong to one family.”

More Pictures

If you want to see more pictures from Shanghai just go to this link.

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Danish Prime Minister at the hotdog stand

Does the Danish Prime Minister get a Danish hot dog in China?
- to support the building of a home for abandoned kids in Henan Province in collaboration with Morning Tears.

We have had huge amount of experiences the last couple of days at the Creative Industry Week in Shanghai with the World’s most travelled hot dog stand. A bit too nosy Chinese people crawled in the window of Hottie and halfway in, they made photos of the stand, with great attention from both the police and the media, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Prime Minister came to visit and dear Hottie had to go back onto the same truck that didn’t have any ramps. This is China.

The Human behind the Prime MinisterAfter a successful weekend with a constant line and a lot of acknowledging smiles from curious Chinese people, the Hot Dog Team was ready to meet the human behind the Danish Prime Minister. We were very interested in knowing, what his dream is. Hottie and the Team dream is to inspire people to make a positive change for others – we wonder what Anders dreams of?

At 2pm we had to leave the area to let the police and their (hot) dogs search the buildings. Afterwards only people with an invitation could get in through a metal detector.

The delegation arrives

Hottie stood energized, gorgeous and very ready for the highlight of the night. To serve hot dogs for the human behind our Prime Minister and the Danish exhibitors after Hummel’s fashion show. Beside that it was the last time Hottie would serve hot dogs in China. Unfortunately she cannot come to Xi’an, when the Hot Dog Team go there to hand out hot dogs at two of Morning Tears’ infant homes.

Then the delegation came. Ceo’s from the biggest companies in Denmark, security and of course both the Danish and Chinese media. They passed the hot dog stand for the first time and went into the exhibition hall, where the Prime Minister shook hands with Junckers, Kaffe Clothing, Hummel and the other participating companies

Hold your breath
After the speeches, canapés, and Hummel’s fashion show the Prime Minister passed Hottie for the third time and this time maybe he would stop. The Hot Dog Team and Hottie held their breath…he came closer and and and… and he passed. He had a press meeting. We took a deep breath and the other Danes stood in line and hungered for a hot dog. Most were drawling for a hot dog and had done it since the afternoon. Now the scent of hot dogs was floating in the air and we heard one good excuse after the other why they should have hot dog before the Prime Minister.

Who should have known that we are THAT popular in China?

Ready steady for the Prime Minister
Another 15 minutes passed before the Prime Minister came in sight again and steered towards Hottie. I, Fanny Hot Dog Girl had a warm hot dog ready together with Søren and Helen Hot Dog Agents. Smiling and full of cosiness we welcomed him.
I introduced myself as Fanny Hot Dog Girl with the World’s most travelled hot dog stand that supports charity. Søren Hot Dog Agent told that we this time support the building of a infant home in Henan Province and Helen said she is the local Hot Dog Agent. Then I told him that our dream is to inspire to make a positive change for others and that we have a book for our dreams. That book we will bring to the infant kids in Xi’an. Amongst others one of Shanghai’s mayors and ceo of Hummel, Christian Stadil have written in it.

Smiling Anders Fogh accepted the challenge and YES, he also accepted the hot dog and happily took a bite. Probably because all hot dogs from Hottie are served with love and a smiling eyes. When he wrote in the book, I suddenly noticed the circle of security guards surrounding us. Even through the backdoor I looked straight into the eyes of a guard. WOW!!

The dream of the Prime MinisterOne of them pulled my sleeve and whispered that they were 25 minutes late and the road was closed. They could not open it until the Prime minister had passed it, so the Chinese organizers were getting a bit impassioned. Anders Fogh Rasmussen wrote: ”My dream is a world with more freedom, peace, prosperity and intercultural understanding”.

After that we thanked him for swinging by and wished for him a great trip in China. Wauv, he really spent a lot of time with us and we felt very honoured. For sure we can thank the organizers of Creative Industry Week and especially our Hot Dog Angel Mette Knudsen, consul of Commerce for this to happen - this and the trip to China overall to happen with genuine Danish goods and a genuine Danish Hot dog stand. It is definitely not easy.

The Hot Dog Stand at the afterpartyThe crowd in front of Hottie was excited and when the Prime Minister left the cosy athmosphere and went away in the night, we declared free hot dogs for everyone. Wauv, people were eager. Søren PølseAgent had to assist me in the stand, while Helen suggested the visitors to donate money for the infant home.

What a Hot Dog Party. That night and all the other times we had open in Shanghai. take a look a the pictures in the gallery : Pictures from Shanghai

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

Monday, October 20, 2008

Does Anders Fogh get a Danish hot dog in China

This is China and this is still China.

There is no doubt – Hottie has landed in the city that never sleeps. I thought it was New York and it is actually Shanghai. People bike, work on the streets and buildings, play cards in an alley, hang out with friends, sing karaoke and party all night. It is also the city where people wear their pyjamas in the streets. This is China. Maybe we should try that in Denmark?!

All of a sudden one, two, three or more mobile food stands are in a hurry, because the police are nearby. They leave a trace of smoke and it smells deliciously. It is not legal to be everywhere in the City with a food stand. There is a lot and they get around attached to a bike or by foot. The ones by foot reminds me of the hot dog stands, we all know from the 1920’es, when the hot dog stand invaded Denmark.

The Chinese food stands serve primarily meat and vegetables on sticks, noodles and emlets. Once I tasted something that reminded me of a hot dog. The sausage was wrapped in a pancake with an egg on top and sauces. A different experience and I could tell it wasn’t a sausage from Tulip

Chinese Hot Dog Angel
Saturday the 18th of October we stood in front of the danish house to Creative Industry Week and to be 100% ready steady we got our Hot Dog Flyer printet in Chinese. It happened in the late hours the day before, only because our Chinese Hot Dog Angel Helen can do magic.

Helen is Chinese and speak fluent English. She knows a lot, I mean a lot of people in this city and with her phone, she can get things in a very short time. Svupti wupti and then that’s done. Other than that she is very valuable, when we communicate with the Chinese, who rarely can speak very little English. That Saturday she stood in front of Hottie and told the people that our dream is to inspire to make a positive change by handing out hot dogs for free and collect money for abandoned kids in Henan Province.

Nihao má? – Kaila?
How are you? – happy? From Hottie I could see many happy faces and I saw the line looking like a snake with about 30 Chinese people in the line during the two hours. They came to the hot dog stand with curious eyes and appreciative nods. At the end we had to write a sign in Chinese and close the line.

Wauv. What an overwhelming success. Sweaty by the warm pans I handed out hot dogs with a speed of record. About 350 in two hours and only with help from Hot Dog Agent Søren I did it. He prepared a bread with a sausage, so I could add Flüggers color scheme, teeth, dried skin and åkander…with the hot dog we served Cocio Chocolate milk and Rosenkilde Aqua. The water proved helpful with up to 25 degrees. Pyhhhh.

The same scenario played on Sunday, when we once more opened Hottie in a couple of hours. This time with no more than five local Hot Dog Agents. Helen wes there again and brought a previous celebrity in China and musician, a professor and artist plus a couple of designers. They were all inspired to make a positive change og they were really helpful. Happy, smiling and enthusiastic they spread the word about Hottie’s dream and the home we wish to build for abandoned kids in Henan Province together with Morning Tears. Hottie truly appreciated our local Hot Dog Agents, because then Søren Hot Dog Agent and I, Fanny Hot Dog Girl could race the sun in shining on the people.

The minute before we serve the hot dogs the Hot Dog Team sings: Kina skal man ikke grin’a” // Don’t laugh of China, which is an old Danish song. Our local Hot Dog Agents can now sing it – they are really good at copying. This is China.

Girl Power
A young Chinese woman said ”Girl Power”, when I handed her a hot dog. I smiled and Hottie danced of joy. They really have received the concept well and some thank us for coming to their country to help their kids.

More Pictures

If you want to see more pictures from Shanghai just go to this link.

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

Saturday, October 18, 2008

World’s most travelled hot dog stand spreads joy in China

- to support a home for abandoned kids in Henan Provence.

Yï hot dog quan bu
Hot dog with all, hot dog med det hele, hot dog con tutto, hot dog mit alles, hot dog quan bu – a cute kid has many names.

Hottie’s debut in China
This is China. Is a saying Søren Hot Dog Agent and I, Fanny Hot Dog Girl has heard a lot since we came Friday the 11th of October. Most challenging was, when Hottie, seven hours later than expected, came on an old truck and had flat tires.

It was full moon and 7pm the day before our debut in China. The driver, who was a local, had no ramp and a lift was nowhere to be found. He only spoke Chinese and told us with body language that we could take it down with 10-20 persons and then he went out for dinner. This is China.

Challenge or not – we were very happy that Hottie had arrived. The day after we were to have our debut at 11.30am when the media visited the Danish House at Shanghai Creative Industry Week 2008. In total seven countries are represented on 10.000 m2. Denmark, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Zealand and China. Denmark has 2500 m2 and 50 companies participate.

Wauv, it is so lucky that I have a creative Hot Dog Agent on the team. Just like that and with help from one, two, three, four and at a time eight Chinese persons he created a solid ramp to get Hottie down. The posters came up last before vi drove “home” to get 2½ hours sleep. Now we just missed the sausages.

We got to know that our goods were through the customs when we came Friday the 11th. Despite that it was Monday, then Tuesday morning and then Tuesday afternoon before they were released and still we needed a stamp. Some other Danish exhibitors still hadn’t got their, so we were among the lucky ones. This is China.

There is no doubt that only because of DSV’s and the Danish Consulate’s hard work, the 15th of October 2008 we could serve hot dogs with all for the first time in Asia, for the first time in China, for the first time in Shanghai.

Hottie on a pedestal
Hottie came down the truck and then up again. This time on a podium in the middle of the foyer to the Danish, Dutch and German Houses. The area is full of Danish design furniture and is designed as café and lounge.

At 11.30am we served hot dogs from a shiny Hottie, that was energized from cosiness. All the exhibitors were in place and it was the media that came to search for good stories. Without a doubt they noticed this piece of Danish culture that has come all the way to Shanghai to support a home for abandoned kids in China.

First visitor was our own consul-General Carsten Boyer Thøgersen and after that curious Chinese people came to Hottie to get a Danish hot dog and to support Kids.
Two volunteers from Morning Tears came together with a translater to communicate our dream and purpose.

For a couple of hours hot dogs were served and the Danish Consul Commercial Mette Knudsen came with her team. Mette was the one who took initiative to get Hottie to China, so she absolutely deserved a hot dog from Hottie that always serves with love.

Shanghais mayor and unpredictability
Later that afternoon Hottie went outside in a beautiful and warm fall night. The opening ceremony was outside the Danish House from a stage. The smell of hot dogs wandered out and when we started about 20 Chinese people stood in line right away. In the middle of light, music, speeches and firework for about 3000 people we served hot dogs while people donated Chinese RMB for the kids.

After about an hour we were going up the red carpet to be at the entrance to the VIP-reception. The mayor of Shanghai and the top of the communist party came, so media and lots of guards. As promised we stood by the entrance and the hot dogs were jumping of excitement on the pans. It went very well until a Chinese guard came in our way.

He guarded the entrance and didn’t know about a Danish hot dog stand. We ran around trying to navigate in the Chaos, while he tried to pull Hottie away. After some Hottie-pulling and no luck to change the situation, Hottie was taken 40 meters away by four Chinese guards.

Too bad for us and at the same time we acknowledged the guards for doing such a good job keeping the entrance secure. Imagine if the mayor had a bite of Danish culture – he might end up having a cosy time.

What a debut
The world’s most travelled hot dog stand has now for the first time served hot dogs in Shanghai to Chinese people, who all appreciate what we do and with great pleasure ate Danish hot dogs with all.
There is no doubt. Chinese people really like our delicious hot dogs, Hottie, the idea, the concept and that we support kids in China. Danes living in China have been longing for a tasty and genuine Danish hot dog.

Hottie and the Hot dog Team are very proud after a glorious debut and is looking forward handing out hot dogs both Saturday and Sunday and Tuesday when our Danish Hot Dog minister…ah no our Prime Minister is visiting together with the Shanghai Mayor. We will get a second chance to meet him.

Next week we will go to Xi’an, the second oldest city in China, to seve hot dogs for a Morning Tears children’s village.

Nihâo, Zàijiàn, Bù kéqi, hot dog quan bu – Fanny PølseWoman Xièxie nî – Thank you so much

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

Click on the link to see more pictures at

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hottie in Shanghai to support abandoned kids in China

Get a Danish hot dog for free and donate
money to a home for abandoned kids in Henan Province.
请来免费品尝丹麦热狗吧, 也同时请你慷慨相助我们在河南的孤儿之家,
All the money goes to the home.

My dream is to inspire people to make a positive change for
others by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish
culture for free to support under-funded charities, says Fanny
Posselt. Since 2003 I have been touring Europe with The Danish
Hot Dog Stand and last year we crossed the USA from New York
to Los Angeles. More recently we visited Le Mans, France.
Now the Hot Dog Stand and I are in Shanghai attending the
International Creative Industry Week to support the building of a
home for abandoned kids in China. This happens in close
collaboration with the Royal Danish Consulate General in

To build the home we collaborate with the organization Morning
Tears that are run by volunteers and we will visit some of the kids
in Shanghai with the Hot Dog Stand.
Morning Tears rebuilds the world for children who have suffered
or are suffering heavy emotional pain.
In 2008 all the donated money will be given to the project
“coming home” in the city Zhengzhou in Henan Province, China.
One home for 4-8 kids and two caregivers costs approximately
9.400 Euros and the goal for the Hot Dog Stand is to build at
least one home.
Morning Tears works primarily for children whose parents are
sentenced to death or who serve a long prison sentence.
Morning Tears has signed in a friendly spirit cooperation
agreements with the Chinese authorities to carry out the project
´coming home – after the death sentence of a parent’.
Children whose parents are executed suffer tremendous
emotional pains. Besides their trauma they have to cope with
stigmas and prejudices from society. Often nobody wants to take
care of them because children of convicts are themselves
considered as criminals. These children bring bad luck. Nobody
wants to take care of them and they end up on street.
The general objective of the project is to provide home-based
care for 120 Morning Tears children. These children will be
provided with homes where they can heal from their traumas,
strengthen their resilience and fully develop their potentials.

The hotdogstand is sponsored by following companies:
Kaffe Clothing
Centrum Turist
Alm. Brand
Rosenkilde Aqua
First Travel
GN Resound

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Press release /// Hottie at Le Mans

Danish Le Mans drivers in the World’s most travelled Hot Dog Stand

Fanny Hot Dog Girl challenges this year’s Danish Le Mans drivers to make a hot dog in less than 24 seconds. Who do you think is fastest?

World’s most travelled Hot Dog Stand is right now in the Expo-Camp with Motorsportsrejser less than 200 meters from the main entrance of Le Mans 2008.

Thursday night saw the Hot Dog Team head out to K-Travel’s camp. Hottie proudly stood outside the main tent, where over 1500 happy Danes were having a racing good time. Once the hot dogs were ready, Fanny Hot Dog Girl, went on stage, interrupted the band and spread the message, officially opening the Hot Dog Stand. For 45 minutes free hot dogs and Cocios were served, and people readily donated money for this year’s charity – to build a school in China. This exciting project will be realized in collaboration with the group ‘Engineers Without Boarders’.

Danish race drivers in Hottie
Friday was the big Hot Dog race day, the Danish drivers would come to Motorsportsrejser´s camp and take up the Hot Dog Race challenge. Hottie glowed from excitement, while the Hot Dog Team made it ready for the big day. Red sausages were put on the pans and the delicious smells were blowing in the wind, the bread toaster had a test lap while the solar panels on the roof made power for Hottie’s lights.

And then it happened…right after the drivers’ interviews on stage the Hot Dog Agents grabbed them one by one and Fanny Hot Dog Girl challenged them to make a hot dog with all in less than 24 seconds. By lining up on the hot dog start line they supported the building of a school in China.

After a short introduction the drivers could make a mental Hot Dog ‘practice lap’ before the stopwatch started. A hot dog with all á la race coming up…

The flag dropped and they were off to a flying start…
You’d have thought they had been doing it for years!. Fanny Hot Dog Girl was really impressed over the speed and is convinced that they are able to transfer the speed from the race track to the Hot Dog Stand. With a steady hand and 100% focus Allan Simonsen won the Hot Dog Race.

Allan Simonsen 15 seconds
Lars Erik Nielsen 20 seconds
Jan Magnussen 22 seconds
Kasper Elgaard 23,8 seconds
John Nielsen 26 seconds

Voluntary Le Mans Hot Dog Team
Hot Dog Agent Pernille Morthensen
Hot Dog Agent Gavin Northover
Hot Dog Girl Fanny Posselt

Offset Hot Dog Agent Claudio Amdisen

Contact person Hot Dog Girl Fanny Posselt / 3062 5530 &

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Le Mans here we come

Hottie left yesterday pulled by a bus from Motorsportsrejser, while the Hot Dog Agents and I are getting ready to leave for Le Mans tomorrow. The Hot Dog Agents on this tour is: Pernille Morthensen and Gavin Northover.

From Thursday morning we will all be in the middle of the World´s one and only 24 hour race Le Mans. We will be handing out hot dogs for free and collecting money for charity.

This year we will collect money in order to build a school in China. To do this Hottie and I are allied with the Danish organization Engineers without Boarders.

Danish drivers will stop by and help serve the hot dogs and who knows...I might challenge them to make a hot dog with all in 24 seconds.

Look out for more news and pictures.

Wrap-Up USA coast2coast 2007

Overrækkelse til Børn med gigt d. 16. maj 2008
Ole Henriksen var med da indsamling fra Pølsevognens tur USA coast2coast 2007 blev overrakt til Børn med gigt. Ole Henriksen er gennem mødet med PølseWoman blevet inspireret til at blive talsmand for gigtforeningen og er nu officiel medlem af Pølsefamilien.

PølseVenner, PølseSponsorer, PølseMusikere, PølseTeam og gigtforeningen var inviteret til afslutning af Pølsevognens tur USA coast2coast 2007.

Arrangementet blev holdt hos PR-Bureau Pro Tempore i hjertet af København onsdag den 14. maj og der var naturligvis hottere fra Tulip og Påskebrød samt Congobajere fra Cocio til de fremmødte. Vincent Van Go Go leverede funky musik til ørerne.

Beløbet, der blev overrakt, kom fra flere aktiviteter.

Martin Jørgensen bortauktionerede Fiorentina-effekter til AGF erhversklub kr. 48.250
MH-Møbler donerede sofa, som fodboldlandsholdet underskrev og AGF bortauktionerede kr. 30.000
Brabrand IF's brug af Pølsevognen til julestævne 2007 kr. 5000
Pølsevognens Tour de France 2006 kr. 1504
Pølsevognens USA coast2coast 2007 kr. 24.855,96

Det var en stor ære for mig, PølseWoman at byde Ole Henriksen velkommen i PølseFamilien og det varmede mit hjerte, at opleve, hvordan han er blevet inspireret til at blive talsmand for gigtforeningen og Børn med gigt.

Vores drøm med Pølsevognen er at inspirere til at gøre en positiv forskel for andre og det er hermed gjort.

Tak til alle der har været en del af dette eventyr - både sponsorer og andre, der uselvisk har støttet og hjulpet.

Heldige SponsorVindere udtrukket af Ole Henriksen

Martin Jørgensen, Fiorentina spillertrøje: Kilroy
Thomas Helveg, OB spillertrøje: Maxit
Leon Andreasen, Fullham spillertrøje: Interlex advokater
Pølsekasket med autografer: Centrum Turist, Påskebrød, Danish Crown

Special Hot Dog Friends

Beside our lovely sponsors, collaborators and the hot Dog Team that played a part in making this tour possible, I would like to thank my very special Hot Dog Friends that have helped the adventure in an unselfish and very valuable way.

Søren Broberg Johansen, Carl Vilhjelm, Franc Mathews, Bill Berg, Sean Steinmarc, Michael (LA), Ralf (LA), Allan Rasmussen from Saags, Pasco Onions, Allan Webber, Adam Webber, Christian Christensen, Ross McMillan, Simon Kavanagh, Sven Ole Thorsen, Ole Henriksen, Organik the band, Beverly Wofford and Bobbi.

Thanks to sponsors of USA coast2coast 2007

DSV, Tulip, Teknologisk Institut, Danish Crown, VisitDenmark, SBJ, Cocio Chokolademælk, Paaskebrød, Kilroy Travels, Santa Maria, Gouda Rejseforsikring, FKI, Laksen, Centrum Turist, Hessellund El, Norsminde Kro, Vangsgaard, Ernst & Young, Maxit, Sports Management Advisor, Prefueled, 55DSL, pro tempore, Interlex Advokater, Hilton Millennium, Pasco Onion, Radio 100FM, Jens Arentzen, Spiff Studio, Kreakvarium

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wrap up party USA coast2coast with Ole Henriksen

To wrap up USA coast2coast 2007 Ole Henriksen is joining me to hand over the money to Kids with arthritis.

When? Tomorrow the 14th of May 4pm - 6.30pm.

Where? Pro Tempore / Kronprinsensgade 1, 1 / Kbh K. Hot Dogs and Cocio will be served, stories will be told and Vincent Van Go Go will play a tune.

Who? The arthritis foundation, Sponsors, Hot Dog Friends, collaborators, Hot Dog Team, Charity CD musicians, owner of the Hot Dog Stand are all invited.

I am looking forward seeing you all.

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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