How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Denver, Colorado

With a little help from my new Hot Dog Friend.

Uhhh I feeeeel good, du du du du du du, I feeeeeel good, la la la la

What a wonderful feeling it is to watch Hottie cruise through the USA to support children with arthritis. It is an undescribable feeling to live out my dream. It's fantastic, crazy, surrealistic, cozy, is like falling in love. First I couldn't eat, I didn't sleep much and I couldn't think of anything but Hottie in the USA. It tickles in my stomach, my eyes smile and I have a hard time talking about anything else. I am happy.

The day today
16 hours in the car, on a totally straight road in the mittle of nothing..sorry in the mittle of Nebraska. They said it was flat and boring - they were absolutely right. It is quite an experience though to see these parts of USA. To get a feeling of how different it is and how big this country is.

After spending the day on the road, I and the Hot Dog Team have now checked in at the Holiday Inn Hotel to get some rest. Two really nice women, Beverly Wofford and Bobbi, that came to support us at the Hot Dog Party in Elk Horn, used their magic stick and swupti then we had a nice and cosy bed to sleep in tonight in Denver.

These women privately donated two hotel rooms - sometimes I have to pinsh my arm to realize that this is really true. Wooooow, I mean..this is just some amazing women, who decide to share and thereby make a difference to us and the charity tour.

Thank you! You are wonderful.

Together with Hottie and the Team I have decided to spend one day in Denver. Hot Dog Agent Tina and I have really worked hard to create an event with the Denver Broncos - unfortunately without any luck. Bummer!

We are now half way through the tour and we all need a break from the computers, telephones and the car. This nice man Christian Christensen has opened up his home to us and we will spend the sunday looking at the mountains and getting our bodies recharged. We really need that!

It's now 2am at night and I am ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Elk Horn, Iowa

Wuuuuuuw, what a wonderful world, full of wonderful and warm people. Every where I go, I meet embracing people, who want to do the best they can to support us and the cause. This time we arrived in Elk Horn and the great Thomas Hansen and Lisa Riggs Welcomed us with open arms. Thomas is Director of Development at The Danish Immigrant Museum here in Elk Horn and he is an amazing man, who has a fantastic energy and like us never never never never give up. Lisa Riggs is the head of the wind mill and is a very warm and giving person.

I thought St. Charles was a small town...this place has 600 enhabitants and is reeeeeeally quiet. Ahhh peaceful and flat as Denmark.

BUT, the minute the Hot Dog Stand was on the grass in front of the old Danish Wind Mill - importet from Nørre Snede, Denmark - people started to show up and so did the newspapers and a TV station. At 12am sharp there was a huge line and I had to make 120 hot dogs per hour to keep up with the line, fast fast fast fast. Only because I have my efficient Hot Dog Team with me, I could do that.

The sun was shining, people were chatting and laughing, we were all smiling, the birds sang, the music album was playing out loud...Hottie and the Hot Dog Team were rocking in Elk Horn.

The Mayor Howard Sørensen came and had his debut as a Hot Dog Man. His grandparents came to the States from Denmark. He is born and raised in the USA, but when he visited his grandparents his grandmother spoke only Danish, so he had to learn.

Howard did not run for the election, he was chosen by the community and asked to become the mayor. That is so cool. He gotta be an inspiring and respected man. I definately felt his warmth and good spirit - and he made a perfect hot dog, what more does a Hot Dog Woman want, ha ha.

After six hours and 480 Hot Dogs and a lot of good chats with people from all over this area, I closed down Hottie.

People came from up to two hours drive from here, just to visit us. They read about it in the news papers and heard it on the radio.

What a wonderful feeling, Elk Horn, Iowa.

Hitting the road again. Next stop Denver, Colorado to spend the night before moving on to LA.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Huge Hot Dog Party in ST. Charles

Saturday night we arrived to the small town St. Charles, 1½ hours west of Chicago, after 26 hours on the road. A peaceful and quiet place in the countryside. We got our own old house in a really cozy atmosphere and when we parked the car, the neighbour sat around the fire listening to "Sweet home Alabama". We all smiled and felt good inside - this was definately different from NYC.

Sunday around 250 Danes and Americans came to a party at Mid West Ground Covers, which is a huge place started by the Dane Peter Ørum and his lovely wife Irma.

The Hot Dog Stand was rocking and so were the Hot Dog Team and I. For 3 hours I did nothing else but served hot dogs to excited people. The songs from the music album played in the background, the sun was shining and everything was just perfect for a Hot Dog Party to support children with arthritis.

Uhhh every time I looked at the line it was as big as before. I served and served and served and served and the line did not seem to moove at all. Great, I love it.

Well, monday we went to Mid West Ground Covers again to serve hot dogs and this time to the employees. It was a really nice day where I got to talk to the local people working and living in the area of St Charles. Nice people.

By the way, we got the car and that is wonderful. What we didn't know was that a lepricorn lived in the car and all it has done since we left NYC is to tease us. First the windows couldn't go up and down, then the light didn't work and when the light worked again the radio didn't work. Hmmm then we got the windows fixed and we all celebrated it by taking the windows down....and then they were stuck again. Grrrr...

On thursday we head towards Danish Immigrant Museum in Elk Horn, Iowa.

A big hello and lots of smiles from the Hot Dog Team to all of you.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hilton New York debut - mission meet the Crown Prince of Denmark

Never give up, never never give up, never never never give up and where there is a will there is a way, that is how my fantastic Hot Dog Team Works. After struggeling with the transport of the Hot Dog Stand for three days it finally finally arrived in NYC. And only with Agent Søren's great creativity, stubborness and handy man skills and by taking the wheels off the stand so it fit in the trailer, we made it just in time to serve Hot Dogs at the Hilton Hotel on Manhattan at Creative Nations promotion event.
Wet eyes .. when Søren came driving in the streets of New York Ciy I was so touched that I cried a bit. To see my Hot Dog Stand in the US and in NYC was unbelievable and a dream coming true. I have felt a pressure in my stomach the last couple of days and not been able to eat properly, that pressure disappeared right there on the spot when I saw my beauty. Together with the Team I cheered and jumped of happiness and relief - even Søren got wet eyes.
Getting the Hot Dog Stand ready in about two hours required effective Team work. My incredible Team even did it in a totally relaxed and cosy way so we were ready for the guests at the conference in their afternoon break. Ready for the first round of Hot Dogs served with love.
Unfortunately the Crown Prince of Denmark left before we got ready, AARRRRGGHHHGGG, BUT hey the Crown Princess of Denmark is still in the building and so is Claus Meyer, Bendt Bendtsen og Samuel Rachlin. Go get them! We want to share our wonderful project with them. Hmmm how do we do that? Well, I will tell you a lot more about this over the weekend, when I have plenty of time in the car driving towards Chicago. I will give you an appetizer though...I shook Mary's hand and... Yeahhhhh!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New York, USA

The land of possibilities – hmmmm!
This is an amazing world. Wauuuv! I am right now so happy and thrilled that I have butterflies in my stomach. People around me are unbelievable fantastic.

My world’s best Hot Dog Team is incredible, facing every challenge we meet with positive energy, people are so helpful and before I know it they are a part of the project working to make it a success. I have gotten so many new Hot Dog Friends in New York and my very special ones I call Hot Dog Angels.

Mission one, New York City
From Sunday night we have been sent around in the jungle of cars, trucks and trailers. Every time ending up in the same spot – NOT POSSIBLE! Grrrrr! This is the land of possibilities, isn’t it?

Then I called Carl Vilhjelm from New Jersey and he has now offered that we can buy the car in his name so we can rent a trailer with insurance. Yaahooooooooooooooo!

That’s how the Hot Dog Angel came up. He is a super duper fantastic guy and is right now dealing with it together with the Hot Dog Agent Søren.

Now the Hot Dog Stand can come with us. Else we had to tear it apart, bring with us what we could in a motor home and leave the rest behind. That would have been very very sad. I neeeeeeed my Hot Dog Stand with me. Yes, I do! Oh by the way, the car Carl found is of course….red!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Thank you all my Hot Dog agents and Angel.

Mission II, New York City
We were so lucky to have two nights sponsored by the Millenium Hotel in NYC. After that we didn’t know where to sleep. At all! And the Hot Dog Budget didn’t allow us neither to stay nor to book another hotel. So Monday morning, when we had to leave the hotel, Hot Dog Agent Tina threw her good energy into her community of couch surfers.

And swupti later that day a New Yorker offered his couch to Tina and me. How great was that?! The guys went to Lee’s friends. Through the community of couch surfers and by Tina’s veeeeery hard work we now have places to sleep until Saturday when we leave for Chicago. For Free! uhhh I like that!

Another good thing about it is that the guy we are staying with now - all four of us in a one bedroom appartment - is just totally amazing and is now using his agent skills to help us out with more songs for the album and media in the USA. So a big kiss to him and his willingness to share. He is difinately my new Hot Dog Friend. Thank you thank you!


First event / location: Central Bronz
What an experience. More about this when I get more time to write, now I need to take care of my Hot Dog Stand, so we can accomplish mission III – to serve hot dogs at Hotel Hilton, Manhatten. yahoooooooooooooo!!

This morning I was supposed to be on air for 10 minutes at 8.45am in New York and Miami. Unfortunately the technique didn’t work and I have been rescheduled to next Wednesday - 20 minutes live on air. I am working on different media and will let you know as soon as something comes up.

Hot Dog Team Usa coast2coast 2007

Proudly I present my one and only, very unique and wonderful voluntary Hot Dog Team for USA coast2coast 2007.

Hot Dog Agent Tina Oeverlind
Hot Dog Agent Søren Dahl
Hot Dog Agent Lee Edward

On the poster Søren is to the left, then me, then Tina and then Lee.

Friday, September 14, 2007

On TV tonight - DR1 Aftenshowet 6pm

Tune in on DR1 Aftenshowet tonight. Between 6pm and 6.30 pm I will tell about the coming tour. I am leaving tomorrow. /// Slå over på DR1 Aftenshowet i aften. Mellem 18 og 18.30 toner jeg frem på skærmen og fortæller om det nært forestående eventyr. Jeg rejser i morgen til NYC

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Can you help? /// Kan du hjælpe?

Yes, if you have an idea of an event or know somebody who can help with accommodation for the Hot Dog Team in the cities we hit, please let me know! /// Ja, hvis du har en idé til en event eller kender nogen, der kan være behjælpelig med overnatning til PølseTeam i de byer vi rammer, så giv endelig lyd fra dig.

Tour Plan /// Turplan

Tour plan so far: 15th - 22nd September New York , 23rd - 28th September Chicago, 28th September - 6th October adventure and open to invitations, 7th - 18th october Los Angeles. Planning: Dallas, Santa Fee and Phoenix. /// Turplan indtil videre: 15. - 22. september New York , 23. - 28. september Chicago, 28. september - 6. oktober opdagelse og åbne for invitationer, 7. - 18. oktober Los Angeles. På tegnebrættet: Dallas, Santa Fee and Phoenix.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The hot dog stand arrives to New York /// Pølsevognen lander i New York

The Hot Dog Stand has arrived to New York. Uhhh it is exciting to think of and I really hope that it is feeling good after the long journey in a DSV container. I am looking forward hugging it in New York in nine days. Yeahh in only nine days the Hot Dog Team and I spep into the plane to begin the Hot Dog Adventure in the States to support children with arthritis. Just nine days and off we go...the day before, Friday the 14th of September, I drop by DR's Evening Show. /// Så er Pølsevognen ankommet til New York. Uhhh det er vildt at tænke på og jeg håber virkelig, at den har det godt efter den lange tur i DSV's container. Jeg ser frem til at give den et kram i New York om ni dage. Ja, der er bare ni dage til, at PølseTeam og jeg selv sætter os i flyveren for at påbegynde PølseEventyret i USA til fordel for børn med gigt. Bare ni dage og så går det løs...dagen inden, fredag den 14. september, skal jeg lige et smut forbi DR's Aftenshowet.

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


copyright text and pictures /// på tekst og billeder