How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Tour Plan /// Turplan

Tour plan so far: 15th - 22nd September New York , 23rd - 28th September Chicago, 28th September - 6th October adventure and open to invitations, 7th - 18th october Los Angeles. Planning: Dallas, Santa Fee and Phoenix. /// Turplan indtil videre: 15. - 22. september New York , 23. - 28. september Chicago, 28. september - 6. oktober opdagelse og åbne for invitationer, 7. - 18. oktober Los Angeles. På tegnebrættet: Dallas, Santa Fee and Phoenix.


Anonymous said...

Great idea. When and where (time and address) are you in New York City? //Peter

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

Hi Peter, thank you for your interest. We arrive in NYC the 15th to start the adventure. The 20th of September we are at Hotel Hilton, 3rd floor - closed event. We are also planning an event at a soup kitchen - I will write on the blog when and where, when I know. Are you from NYC? Best, Hot Dog Woman

Anonymous said...

Hi Hot Dog Woman, I’m not from NYC (I’m from DK) but have a couple of friends in the city who love Danish hot dogs. //Peter

Anonymous said...

Hej Fanny
I am from DK and ofcourse love
red hotdogs when are you in Washington D.C. We will all be there. This is a wonderful thing you are doing. Hanne

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

Hey, if you can get Al Gore to sit on my bike, we will definately be there. Best, Fanny

Anonymous said...

The Danish Sisterhood National Convention is in Chicago from Oct. 25-28/07. I bet you could sell some hot dogs there! There will also be other Danish vendors at the Indian Lakes Resort in Bloomingdale, Illinois. Check it out if you have some time at Would love to see you there...

Anonymous said...

What about visiting to Atlanta?

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

Sorry, we cant be in Chicago from Oct. 25-28/07. We will then be back in Denmark. Atlanta? Who is asking? Al Gore?
- by the way, how have you heard of the adventure?

Unknown said...

Where will you be in chicago and what times?

Unknown said...

Where will you be in chicago and what times?

Anonymous said...

Hi Polsewoman, Are you coming to Oregon? We love Danes, kids and Polse here in Lane County so you would be very welcome.

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

Hi Carla, I will post the places and times on the blog, so watch out. And Mortofte, Thank you for the invitation, sorry I will not be in Oregon. Best, Fanny

Anonymous said...

DC? Gotta love Danish hotdogs!

Anonymous said...

Bor i NYC og vil gerne komme forbi og faa en ristet med det hele inden du tage herfra. Hvor er du???

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

We have now been at Hotel Hilton and are heading for Chicago tomorrow. So unfortunately I can not serve you a hot dog in new york. - Hot Dog Woman

Anonymous said...


Tak for hot dogs. Det var en hyggelig eftermiddag is St. Charles (Chicago)
Men proev om du kan faa remolade det vil virkelig vare et hit her i USA


Anonymous said...


Proev at se, om I ikke kan komme forbi Seattle, WA. Udover her er mange danskere (som savner en dansk hot dog), saa er jeg sikker paa en masse ikke-danskere ogsaa gerne vil proeve en hot dog. I oevrigt er der en skandinavisk butik hvor I kan koebe remoulade, og SAA vil det da vaere perfekt ;o)

Unknown said...

Ok its Sept.25th have you set up in Chicago???
Can't wait any longer!!

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

Hi Carla, Thank you so much for your interest. We should have been at a café today, 25th. It is cancelled because of construction work in front of it. Unfortunately. - Fanny Hot Dog Woman

Anonymous said...

god start

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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