How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Denver, Colorado

With a little help from my new Hot Dog Friend.

Uhhh I feeeeel good, du du du du du du, I feeeeeel good, la la la la

What a wonderful feeling it is to watch Hottie cruise through the USA to support children with arthritis. It is an undescribable feeling to live out my dream. It's fantastic, crazy, surrealistic, cozy, is like falling in love. First I couldn't eat, I didn't sleep much and I couldn't think of anything but Hottie in the USA. It tickles in my stomach, my eyes smile and I have a hard time talking about anything else. I am happy.

The day today
16 hours in the car, on a totally straight road in the mittle of nothing..sorry in the mittle of Nebraska. They said it was flat and boring - they were absolutely right. It is quite an experience though to see these parts of USA. To get a feeling of how different it is and how big this country is.

After spending the day on the road, I and the Hot Dog Team have now checked in at the Holiday Inn Hotel to get some rest. Two really nice women, Beverly Wofford and Bobbi, that came to support us at the Hot Dog Party in Elk Horn, used their magic stick and swupti then we had a nice and cosy bed to sleep in tonight in Denver.

These women privately donated two hotel rooms - sometimes I have to pinsh my arm to realize that this is really true. Wooooow, I mean..this is just some amazing women, who decide to share and thereby make a difference to us and the charity tour.

Thank you! You are wonderful.

Together with Hottie and the Team I have decided to spend one day in Denver. Hot Dog Agent Tina and I have really worked hard to create an event with the Denver Broncos - unfortunately without any luck. Bummer!

We are now half way through the tour and we all need a break from the computers, telephones and the car. This nice man Christian Christensen has opened up his home to us and we will spend the sunday looking at the mountains and getting our bodies recharged. We really need that!

It's now 2am at night and I am ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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