How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Elk Horn, Iowa

Wuuuuuuw, what a wonderful world, full of wonderful and warm people. Every where I go, I meet embracing people, who want to do the best they can to support us and the cause. This time we arrived in Elk Horn and the great Thomas Hansen and Lisa Riggs Welcomed us with open arms. Thomas is Director of Development at The Danish Immigrant Museum here in Elk Horn and he is an amazing man, who has a fantastic energy and like us never never never never give up. Lisa Riggs is the head of the wind mill and is a very warm and giving person.

I thought St. Charles was a small town...this place has 600 enhabitants and is reeeeeeally quiet. Ahhh peaceful and flat as Denmark.

BUT, the minute the Hot Dog Stand was on the grass in front of the old Danish Wind Mill - importet from Nørre Snede, Denmark - people started to show up and so did the newspapers and a TV station. At 12am sharp there was a huge line and I had to make 120 hot dogs per hour to keep up with the line, fast fast fast fast. Only because I have my efficient Hot Dog Team with me, I could do that.

The sun was shining, people were chatting and laughing, we were all smiling, the birds sang, the music album was playing out loud...Hottie and the Hot Dog Team were rocking in Elk Horn.

The Mayor Howard Sørensen came and had his debut as a Hot Dog Man. His grandparents came to the States from Denmark. He is born and raised in the USA, but when he visited his grandparents his grandmother spoke only Danish, so he had to learn.

Howard did not run for the election, he was chosen by the community and asked to become the mayor. That is so cool. He gotta be an inspiring and respected man. I definately felt his warmth and good spirit - and he made a perfect hot dog, what more does a Hot Dog Woman want, ha ha.

After six hours and 480 Hot Dogs and a lot of good chats with people from all over this area, I closed down Hottie.

People came from up to two hours drive from here, just to visit us. They read about it in the news papers and heard it on the radio.

What a wonderful feeling, Elk Horn, Iowa.

Hitting the road again. Next stop Denver, Colorado to spend the night before moving on to LA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings from the Mayor's wife,
Thank you for coming to Elk Horn. We enjoyed having you here in our pretty little town. We look forward to seeing your photos. Have a safe trip!

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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