How to inspire?

I will inspire by travelling around the world, serving a bite of Danish culture for free to support charities. For the last five years we have been touring European cities with The Danish Hot Dog Stand to support charity. We have travelled the highways of America and most recently we joined Le Mans in France and went to Shanghai, China to support Morning Tears.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New York, USA

The land of possibilities – hmmmm!
This is an amazing world. Wauuuv! I am right now so happy and thrilled that I have butterflies in my stomach. People around me are unbelievable fantastic.

My world’s best Hot Dog Team is incredible, facing every challenge we meet with positive energy, people are so helpful and before I know it they are a part of the project working to make it a success. I have gotten so many new Hot Dog Friends in New York and my very special ones I call Hot Dog Angels.

Mission one, New York City
From Sunday night we have been sent around in the jungle of cars, trucks and trailers. Every time ending up in the same spot – NOT POSSIBLE! Grrrrr! This is the land of possibilities, isn’t it?

Then I called Carl Vilhjelm from New Jersey and he has now offered that we can buy the car in his name so we can rent a trailer with insurance. Yaahooooooooooooooo!

That’s how the Hot Dog Angel came up. He is a super duper fantastic guy and is right now dealing with it together with the Hot Dog Agent Søren.

Now the Hot Dog Stand can come with us. Else we had to tear it apart, bring with us what we could in a motor home and leave the rest behind. That would have been very very sad. I neeeeeeed my Hot Dog Stand with me. Yes, I do! Oh by the way, the car Carl found is of course….red!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Thank you all my Hot Dog agents and Angel.

Mission II, New York City
We were so lucky to have two nights sponsored by the Millenium Hotel in NYC. After that we didn’t know where to sleep. At all! And the Hot Dog Budget didn’t allow us neither to stay nor to book another hotel. So Monday morning, when we had to leave the hotel, Hot Dog Agent Tina threw her good energy into her community of couch surfers.

And swupti later that day a New Yorker offered his couch to Tina and me. How great was that?! The guys went to Lee’s friends. Through the community of couch surfers and by Tina’s veeeeery hard work we now have places to sleep until Saturday when we leave for Chicago. For Free! uhhh I like that!

Another good thing about it is that the guy we are staying with now - all four of us in a one bedroom appartment - is just totally amazing and is now using his agent skills to help us out with more songs for the album and media in the USA. So a big kiss to him and his willingness to share. He is difinately my new Hot Dog Friend. Thank you thank you!


First event / location: Central Bronz
What an experience. More about this when I get more time to write, now I need to take care of my Hot Dog Stand, so we can accomplish mission III – to serve hot dogs at Hotel Hilton, Manhatten. yahoooooooooooooo!!

This morning I was supposed to be on air for 10 minutes at 8.45am in New York and Miami. Unfortunately the technique didn’t work and I have been rescheduled to next Wednesday - 20 minutes live on air. I am working on different media and will let you know as soon as something comes up.


Anonymous said...


Where exactly can you go in NYC to get a hot dog and support you??? How long are you here?

Fanny Hot Dog Girl said...

Hey you, we left NYC and are now 1½ hours from Chicago heading West.
- Fanny Hot Dog Woman

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors USA Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour

The Hot Dog Sponsors China Tour


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